Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can I borrow a feeling?

May 23,2010
40,475 pushups completed
959,525 pushups to go
1,318 pushups ahead of schedule

...'Cause I can barely feel my arms. They are getting large and in charge.... and the public is beginning to notice. Several comments have been made.

Comment #1: John, have you been working out? You're looking big
Comment #2: Dude, you are ripped up! I guess i've only seen you in loose baggy shirts.
Comment #3: Juice, you've really beefed up your game
Comment #4: (traffic cop): Sir, please roll up your window and leave those sweater pythons inside the vehicle. You are throwing off the depth perception of the other drivers.
Comment #5: That one's lightning the other one's steel... if the right don't get you, the left one will. (self-quote before I scared off a group of punks menacing an old lady)

Had the stomach flu since the last post, but still increased my pace. 2300 the last 6 days. As Keanu Reeves would say... "Whoa".

Peace out
Thunder John

"Bringing the thunder, packing the pain, loaded with pushups, making it rain"


  1. Bring back the thunder!!!! Where are you thunder John? The world needs you.

  2. don't call it a comeback. i've been here for years.
