Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving You Turkeys!

November 25, 2012
294,525 pushups completed
705,475 pushups to go
4,547     pushups ahead of schedule

I'll tell you what I'm thankful for... these colossal meathooks hanging off of my shoulders.  That's what you get when you do almost 300,000 pushups.  Woe it be to the poor sucker that squares off against me in the traditional pulling of the wish bone.  I may end up with my half of the wish bone, the other half of the wish bone, and the forearm of my opponent.  Whoops.

Do you think this is what John Carver had in mind when he became the first leader of the Mayflower Pilgrims?  Helping to settle a land in which one day, a 39 year old idiot would write boastful posts about how many pushup exercises he had completed on something called the internet?  I'll tell you what - that was exactly the plan.  Want to argue about it?  Molly, get the wishbone.

Since my last post, we have had another generous donor step up and Join Thunder John's "Nothing But Nets" team.  Our mission is to supply simple mosquito nets to families in Africa to help end the deaths of thousands of African children every year of malaria. 

Thank you to the Brad and Christina Church family whose generous donation will make a difference in the lives of 15 African families by purchasing 15 nets.  Brad and Christina are our former neighbors in Glen Ellyn who moved to Arizona in April.   We miss you guys and are glad that all is going well. 

If you would like to join the Thunder John team, then click the link below:

Now please excuse me, I have a date with some leftover pie that needs to be finished to-night!

Peace out,
Thunder John

"Bringin the thunder, Packin' the pain, lodaed with pushups - makin' it rain"