Saturday, October 19, 2019

Thunder John - less than 20,000 pushups to go! A race to the finish

October 19, 2019

980,100 pushups down
19,900 pushups to go
363 pushups ahead of schedule

Thunder John once again retruns to Lowell Elementary for 2019 International Walk to School Day.  Thank you Mrs. Minser for the invitation!  Lowell school is the bomb.

See my link below:  a rousing inspirational speech.  And then the dance moves.  Fast FWD to the 6:00 mark to see Thunder John's dance moves to Aretha Franklin's classic:  Think!

Thunder John 2019 at Lowell Elementary: You better THINK!

The kids in the video are hilarious and great dancers.  Mrs. Minser had a whole routine she sent me, and I am SO out of sync with it... very painful for me to watch.  Thank goodness for the mask!

I am nearing the finish line.  Over 980,000 pushups down.  A mere 19,900 to go!

A lot has changed over the last ten years.  I used to look like this:

Now I look like this:

OK OK, that was photo shopped.  But still, I've aged.  That's why I wear the luchador mask of the blue demon.

Time is a tyrant.  Life is an STD, always fatal.  Too much?  Maybe.  But Thunder John pushes the envelope. 

And I couldn't do this trick again, since I' have one more kid than when I started (and the kids pictured below have grown).

So do I have any wise thoughts as I near the finish line?  Yes, many.  But I'll save them for a future installment.  Right now I have to rush off to Patrick's cross country meet.

Peace Out,
Thunder John

"Bringin' the pushups, packin' the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN"