Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Four Score and 355,600 pushups ago... TJ loses his motivation

July 3, 2013
355,600 pushups completed
644,400 pushups to go
5,107 pushups ahead of schedule

On our Independence Day Eve, a coup d'état by the military in Egypt has toppled the democratically elected government of President Morsi.  He wasn't a good President, kind of a scumbag truth be told, but he was elected by a democratic process.  It makes me thankful that we don't have that kind of nonsense going on here in the United States, the greatest country in the world.  While some countries change their constitution as often as we change the air filter in our furnace, which isn't as often as it should be, I admit, our Constitution hasn't needed editing in over 200 years.  Except for the 27 amendments.  Yeah, but still...

I digress... this is supposed to be about pushups, right?

Well I did 700 of them today.  I made up a new workout... how long would it take me to do 500 pushups?  Answer:  27m 16s.  Threw in another 200 for good measure. 

Hey... what was all that about Egypt?  Is TJ losing it?  Truth be told, I'm in a creative funk right now.  I've lost my mojo, lost my motivation.  Work is busy, family is busy, summer is in full swing... my pushups have become very business like, perfunctory, an obligation rather than a joy.  With a mere 6 1/2 years to go until this quest is finished, I guess there's nothing to worry about... should be over in a blink of an eye.  I'll just have to gut this out...

No, what I need is INSPIRATION.  And that's where you come in.  Please email me at .  Let me know what you'd like to hear about.  Give me some nonsense to write about.  Anything, or else you'll be subjected to winding diatribes like the blog post above.

Thunder John

"Bringin' the thunder, packin' the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN"