Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Above and Beyond

September 13, 2011
174,625 pushups completed
825,375 pushups to go
4,581 pushups ahead of schedule

Greetings pushups fans!  Thunder John here.  You there.  The pushups continue to mount.  Rocky has been playing on AMC lately, and I find myself inspired.  It doesn't matter if it's Rocky's determined grit, Apollo Creed's braggadaccio, or Pauly's drunken tirades against Adrian - the movie inspires me to do pushups.  I'm over the MOON about this movie and all of it's sequel children.

Nearing the end of year two of my fool's errand, it's hard to believe that I've got 8+ years to go until completion.  I'm glad that I have you my blog fans to kvetch to and kibbitz with along the way.  You're quite a mensch you know.  I'm kvelling here... shalom!

I just heard that Charlie Callas died.  Stand Up Comedy has lost a prince.  His sets were comedy of the highest order.

Carrot Top made a movie.  "Chairman of the Board".  Do yourself a favor and do not rent it.  It should have been spelled "Chairman of the Bored".


Thunder John's Nothing but Nets team has it's first donor, and it's a real doozy.  Kudos and an immense Thunder John thank you to Mr and Mrs Laura/James McLaughlin.  They made an extremely generous donation of $100 to Thunder John's Nothing But Nets team, which on its own merit will buy 10 malaria fighting nets for families in Africa.

This gains the McLaughlin family immediate access to "Thunder John's Circle of Honor" and all the privileges that entails.  Here's the keys to the restroom.  Enjoy your stay in the first class Thunder Lounge, and Thanks Again!

If you want to join in on all the fun... perhaps you can only donate at the Adlai Stevenson level at this time, or perhaps you're a Mighty Mouse; every penny counts.  Just click this link and sign up for the team:  IT IS JUST THAT EASY:
OK, my blog is done. 

Thunder John

"Bringin the thunder, packin the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it rain!"