Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving You Turkeys!

November 25, 2012
294,525 pushups completed
705,475 pushups to go
4,547     pushups ahead of schedule

I'll tell you what I'm thankful for... these colossal meathooks hanging off of my shoulders.  That's what you get when you do almost 300,000 pushups.  Woe it be to the poor sucker that squares off against me in the traditional pulling of the wish bone.  I may end up with my half of the wish bone, the other half of the wish bone, and the forearm of my opponent.  Whoops.

Do you think this is what John Carver had in mind when he became the first leader of the Mayflower Pilgrims?  Helping to settle a land in which one day, a 39 year old idiot would write boastful posts about how many pushup exercises he had completed on something called the internet?  I'll tell you what - that was exactly the plan.  Want to argue about it?  Molly, get the wishbone.

Since my last post, we have had another generous donor step up and Join Thunder John's "Nothing But Nets" team.  Our mission is to supply simple mosquito nets to families in Africa to help end the deaths of thousands of African children every year of malaria. 

Thank you to the Brad and Christina Church family whose generous donation will make a difference in the lives of 15 African families by purchasing 15 nets.  Brad and Christina are our former neighbors in Glen Ellyn who moved to Arizona in April.   We miss you guys and are glad that all is going well. 

If you would like to join the Thunder John team, then click the link below:

Now please excuse me, I have a date with some leftover pie that needs to be finished to-night!

Peace out,
Thunder John

"Bringin the thunder, Packin' the pain, lodaed with pushups - makin' it rain"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fame But Not Fortune

October 12, 2012
282,050 pushups completed
717,950 pushups to go
3,846 pushups ahead of schedule

Greetings Pushups Fans!  Time to circle the wagons again and take stock in my pushups quest.  The  pushups continue even though the blog posts have become sparse.  Since my last entry I have made my annual appearance for "walk to school day" at Lowell Elementary School in Wheaton, IL. 

Click on the link below to see a video of the appearance - be sure to make it to the 3 minute mark to see "The Interlude Dance". 

And yes, that's me, Thunder John underneath the lucha libre mexican wrestling mask.  Some say I've never looked better... and then they get pummeled.  Enjoy.

As you can see we have a lot of fun.  Hats off to Maryanne Minser, Phys. Ed. teacher at Lowell. She is a wonderful teacher and really gives her all for these kids.  Mrs. Minser is also Thunder John's most active promoter... when I go pro, she'll be my agent. 
Do YOU want to help kids?  Well here's an easy way to do so:  donate to Thunder John's Nothing But Nets Team!  You'll get a certificate suitable for framing delivered straight to your Inbox. 
Well, gotta go.  Point Break is on cable, and the little hand says it's time to rock and roll. 
Peace out,
Thunder John
"Bringin the thunder, packin the pain, loaded with pushups - makin it rain!"

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I'm Back and I'm Not British!

September 1, 2012
270,900 pushups completed
829,100 pushups to go
3,923 pushups ahead of schedule

Welcome back!  It has been a while since I updated my blog.  It's actually an embarassing story... I've been updating a website called the last few months, by accident.  Don't.... try and find it, it's not there anymore.  I fell down a well and took on a British accent and affectation for a few months, a la "Chaz" in Charles in Charge, "Vic Ferrari" on Taxi, etc.  Instead of push ups I started referring to them as "jolly good knock downers" and craving Earl Grey tea around 3 o'clock.  Stopped brushing my teeth entirely.  Rode a bicycle with a HUGE front wheel.  It really happened, I swear.  It's science.  Luckily, I got kicked by a mule and regained my real personality. 

OK.  I can tell you are not buying the "hit my head and thought I was British" routine.  I can't really come up with a good excuse as to why it's been so long since I updated the blog.  So I came up with six terrible ones:

6.  Couldn't find my computer. 

5.  I was Ryan Lochte's training partner for the summer.  But I missed the Olympics... how'd that turn out?

4.  Didn't think anybody cared (but the McLaughlin Family, Snipes Family, Cronan Family and Conant family have proved me wrong on that front by donating to Nothing But Nets.  You can too:  see below). 

3.  Drunk.  Just drunk as a skunk the entire summer

2.  Celebrity deaths happen in threes, and the deaths of both Ron Palillo (Arnold Horshack) and Robert Hegyes (Juan Epstein) from "Welcome Back Kotter" made me reallly scared to check my computer for fear that Lawrence Hilton Jacobs (Freddie BoomBoom Washington) was next.   (No fear for John Travolta:  he is and always has been a robot).

1.  Thought the internet was closed during the summer.    

So the pushups are going well.  I am still almost 4,000 ahead of schedule even though I had a severe groin injury this summer and had to stop all physical activity for two weeks. 

Click:  Gr-Gr-Gr Groin Injury

So I fell behind on my pace a little but now I'm back.  Also in past blog entries I've talked about doing triathlons over the summer.  I did only one triathlon this summer:  and I did it alone.  What a bummer.  My two PIC's in the triathlon world, AndyV and Swadley, decided that they don't want to do triathlons any more.  They really aren't that fun to do alone.  (between you and me, they've gotten FAAAAT!  Please give them a hard time next time you see them.  They need these triathlons as much as I do).  So I've just been doing the pushups and running.  Would love to get back into triathlons though so if anyone wants to do a triathlon with Thunder John, just let me know. 

You know who else doesn't do triathlons?  The millions of kids in Africa in danger of contracting malaria.  We can help them by donating to my charity, Nothing but Nets.  So far we have raised almost $500;  I'm hoping you can find it in your heart to donate as little as $10 to buy one net.  Take that $10 you were planning on going to see "The Expendables 2:  Even More Expendable" with and donate it to Nothing But Nets instead.  You can always catch E2 on Netflix:

Click to Join Thunder John's Nothing But Nets Team

Thunder John

"Bringin the thunder, Packin the pain, Loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN!"

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thunder John Passes the 250k milestone

June 15, 2012
250,350 pushups completed
749,650 pushups to go
4,731 pushups ahead of schedule

I've passed the 250,000 pushup mark ahead of schedule! 

The Thunder John Circle of Honor also has a new member, the Patrick and Kara Cronan family has generously donated to Nothing but Nets.  Thunder John salutes you! 

I promise some more quality blog entires soon... between work and kid #4, I have not had as much time lately to update my blog.  Lame excuse?  Absolutely!  But, here we are.

Thunder John

Join Thunder John's Nothing But Nets Team! Click HERE

"Bringin the thudner, packin the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Two more contributors! THANK YOU

April 26, 2012
238,075 pushups completed
761,925 pushups to go
6,147 pushups ahead of schedule

Thank you to the newest members of the Thunder John Nothing But Nets Team!  Richard Snipes and Brian Conant.  Thunder John Salutes YOU!

Richard Snipes:  a young man I met in a spelling bee.  He looked the terror of being on stage in the pods at Hadley Junior High in 1987 square in the eye and did not blink.  I alwyas knew I liked the cut of this kid's jib!

Brian Conant:  Man amongst men, Brian is.  He geeks out on dark beers and rock bands you've probably never heard of. 

To join the Thunder John team, click here

Thunder John

"Bringin the thunder, Packin the pain, Loaded with pushups - MAKIN IT RAIN!"

Friday, April 20, 2012

No more creativity until I get a Charitable Contribution!

April 20,2012
236,000 pushups completed
764,000 pushups to go
5,989 pushups ahead of schedule.

Just a quick note to say that I'm still on track, but have found little inspiration from my followers lately.
The main reason I'm blogging is for Nothing But Nets, but still only one generous follower has donated.  Not even a $1 donation, which would make me ecstatic.  But alas, I am forlorn.

Nothing creative until I issue some more memberships in the Thunder John rewards program, at least at the pipsqueak or Adlai Stevenson level of achievement. 

The best I can offer are random non sequitirs.  For example: 
"Don't tell me that Michelle Obama doesn't have freaky eyebrows, because I won't believe it":

Thunder John

"Bringing the pushups, packing the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN!"

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Thunder John Stikes Again! Lightning strikes not once, twice, thrice but 4x!

February 11, 2012
217,200 pushups completed
782,800 pushups to go
5,809 pushups ahead of schedule

Sorry for the sparse updates to this website.  Been a little busy keeping up with the Kardashians lately.  Can you believe that Chloe?  I cannot believe it either. 

Also, May Patrick and Jane now have another rival for my affections.  On January 19 at 1:35pm, what the Doctor thought was a routine gastric bypass for Mrs. Thunder John netted us one more mouth to feed.  Colleen Lynne Adduci is now 24 days old and doing great. Best practical joke EVER. 

Momma Thunder is marvelous and healing from her fourth Caesarian section... Little known fact:  English Bulldogs are always born via C-section, just like all 4 of my kids.  

I have three business trips scheduled for the next 11 days - not sure how I'm going to sleep in that soft, pillow top hotel bed without the steady serenade of an infant's mewling.  Mr. Sandman has his work cut out for him, what with the feather pillow cradling my head and the thermostat set to my exact specifications.  How can I be expected to harvest a decent night's slumber without a cascade of older children piling into our bed during the 6am hour?  We all have our crosses to bear, indeed.

Colleen will be reading Shel Silverstein by the time I complete this pushups odyssey.  Our Honda Odyssey will probably be scrap metal.  Will cars have wheels in the year 2020?  Probably, but will they have DRIVERs?  Futurists predict that companies with Google Maps-like apps will allow us to program a route into their car computer and sit back while the car communicates with other cars on the road wirelessly and drives itself.  Imagine setting the car to drive to Detroit and going to the backseat for a snooze... sounds great as long as you don't mind waking up without hubcaps.  Will the Cubs be chasing their 7th straight World Series crown?  Will dolphins learn to talk?  Will the Mayan prophecy of 2012 have made all these points moot?  We'll just have to wait and see.

Here's a picture of the little poop factory:

One more thing:  please, please PLEASE click the link below and join the Thunder John team.  Just donate $1, that can't possibly mean much, that's half a starbucks coffee.  I don't care about the amount but let's get the roster for Thunder John's Nothing But Nets team into the double digits!

Peace Out,

Thunder John

Bringin' the thunder, Packin' the Pain, Loaded with Pushups - makin' it RAIN!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mini-post: Thunder John Certificates are IN

No count updates.  Let's concentrate on the NOTHING BUT NETS message:

Sponsor for as little as $1 and earn a Thunder John Certificate.

Thanks to the James and Laura McLaughlin family for being my first donors, as well as the inaugural members of the Thunder John circle of Honor!

Make your donation now and earn your certifiate.

Peace Out,
Thunder John

"Bringin' the pushups, packin' the pain, loaded with pushups - makin' it RAIN"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! The 2011 Totals are IN!

January 1, 2012
206,100 pushups completed
793,900 pushups to go
6,210 pushups ahead of schedule

2011 Total:  101,100 pushups
For those of you who were waiting until the end of 2011 to make your Nothing but Nets donation, the total for 2011 is listed above. At $0.0001 per pushup, for example, that's a $10.11 donation and it will put you in the Adlai Stevenson level of giving.  I'll be emailing certificates over the next few weeks to all donors.  Remember it's all tax deductible. Below is a link. 

Peace Out,
Thunder John

"Bringing the pushups, Packing the Pain, Loaded with Pushups - Making it Rain!"