Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A journey of one million pushups begins with a single push up

1,801 pushups completed
998,199 to go

The glory has faded. The glory must be restored.

I'm 36 years old and in pretty good shape. But what happened to that fit young man who used to glare back at me from the mirror, chiseled out of marble and a little too cocksure of himself for his own good? Still chiseled out of marble... cake. I must take action. No one has called me "Thunder John" for years; this ends now.

But how?

Here's how: I pledge to do one million pushups in the next ten years, from 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2019. To accomplish this, I must average 274 per day, every day, for ten years. I will track my progress on this blog. Each entry should have a date, total pushups completed, and # of pushups to go. Maybe some pix. All above the waist and at worst, PG-13. Along the way we'll share some laughs, some cries, nonsensical analogies and some horrible neck pain, but you can call me the breeze cause I'm gonna deliver the goods.

That, by the way, was a nonsensical analogy. I'll try and italicize them, but sometimes they are unintentional.

At midnight 1/1/2010, I performed one pushup. Then I went to bed. Over the next six days I averaged 300 per day. A good start. A long way to go. But when I get there we're going to have a new year's eve party like you've never seen, so save the date. Pushup party at my house.

-Thunder John

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