August 30, 2015
567,875 pushups completed
432,125 pushups to go
1,610 pushups ahead of schedule
Welcome back, Thunder John fans! To quote the acquired taste band Creed, "it's been a while".
And even though Creed is a taste I have never personally acquired, I still think you should quote Creed whenever possible. Just look at these lyrics!
"Court is now in session,
A verdict is in
No appeal on the docket today"
.. now that's a pop song baby!
Funny thing I just realized... I've never mentioned Salt N Pepa's "Push It" in this blog. Well let's keep that streak alive. #c+cmusicfactorydiditbetter #everybodydancenow
As you might have noticed, I now have a Twitter Handle. It's #ThunderJohn8. Some poser already had #ThunderJohn. Can you believe that? And I went with ThunderJohn8 instead of ThunderJohn1 because, well, I don't know, I just think it looked better.
#barryfooteworenumber8 #sodidAndreDawson
So check out my twitter feed. They say it's blowing up #likediarrhea #dontbegross
Back to Creed... despite the best efforts of lead singer Scott Stapp, the band Creed is not even the most quotable Creed. I'm talking of course of Rocky 1 - IV star Apollo Creed, played by Carl Weathers. To wit:
Rocky: "Apollo Creed vs. the Italian Stallion. Sounds like a damn monster movie. "
Rocky II: Apollo: This man is dangerous? I'm dangerous! I'm dangerous!
Rocky IV: "Well, I've been with the best, and I've BEAT the best! I've retired more men than Social Security! "
Carl Weathers. From Rocky to Predator to Happy Gilmore, he can simply act.
Speaking of Carls...
#whenwerewespeakingofCarls? #istoppedpayingattention
I heard there is going to be another Rocky movie. It's a spinoff where Rocky trains Apollo's son to be a fighter. I love spinoffs. Almost always they are great, sometimes eclipsing the original. To wit:
All in the Family --&;The Jeffersons -->Maude --> Good Times -->Golden Girls
Cheers --> Fraser --> Dallas --> Knots Landing
Happy Days -->Laverne and Shirley -->Mork and Mindy -->Star Wars I: Phantom Menace
But do you know what was the most outrageous spinoff?
Die Hard --> Family Matters.
Reginald VelJohnson was the twinkie eating cop who Bruce Willis was talking with from the Nakatomi Plaza... he was the only cop on the outside who would listen and helped him bring down the terrorists.
So what came next for the terrorist beating, twinkie chomping supercop I know as Reggie VJ?
He then became Carl Winslow, the Urkel-tormented father on "Family Matters"! That show ran from 1988 - 1998 and became a syndication powerhouse. Pair "Family Matters" with a little "Perfect Strangers", "Amazing Stories" and "Golden Girls", you've got a perfect Friday night, according to a teenage John Adduci.
#saywhatyouwill #abouttheblog #thisphotoisprettycool
Reginald VelJohnson imdb page
Pushups. This is a pushups blog. Right. So I'm still ahead of pace, and I'm still going to complete my one millionth pushup by 12/31/2019. Put the champale on ice, I'm less than 4 1/2 years away!
"#Bringin'thethunder, #packin'thepain, #loadedwithpushups - #makin'itRAIN"
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