Sunday, April 11, 2010

Back with another update

April 11, 2010

28,600 pushups done

971,400 pushups to go

1,218 ahead of schedule

I was very proud of Patrick this week. At his tae kwon do class they were doing pushups, and his form was impeccable. Just like his daddy.
Triathlon training is heating up. I am not sure how the pushups are going to be affected by my swim training. So far it seems to have helped - I'm swimming better than ever, but I'm also waking up very sore the morning after swimming. I do triathlons with these two other guys from college, Andy and Jon. We're all pretty much even and very competitive in the races. An analysis of each of our approaches to the sport:
Andy V: Very serious about his training, but fragile as a porcelain chamberpot. Wait, those are pretty sturdy... suffice it to say, he gets hurt easily. He has been swimming a ton this off season, so it should be interesting in the first race to see when he gets out of the water. We're been roughly even the last few years. Excellent biker, top 5% of triathletes in that category. Should be a better runner than he is, but not bad by any means.
Jon S: Swam competitively through freshman year in college, so he is the best in that category, probably top 10% of all triathletes in that category (but most triathletes are good swimmers). Improving on the bike the last few years due to increased training and million dollar wheels.. Used to be a very good runner, has lost a few steps, not sure why. Is it mental? Is he frightened by success?
Me: Swimming is my weakness, but improving. Good biker, could be better if I applied myself but I hate practicing in traffic. Running is my strength. Cramping issues the last two years have prevented me from dominating in Chicago, but that all changes this year.
Well, that is all.
Thunder John

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