Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Another Tricky Day... for you (+ 300 pushups)

2,101 pushups done
997,899 pushups to go
+184 ahead of schedule

300 pushups today. Here is my typical schedule on a workday:

50 pushups when I roll out of bed
25 pushups after my shower
50 pushups before I run on the treadmill at lunch
50 pushups after I run on the treadmill at lunch
After work, sets of 25 randomly while watching the kids, watching TV, etc.

Jane loves jumping on my back while I'm doing pushups. She's 2 years old. She'll be 12 when I'm done. Whoa.

Pushups are getting easier. My shoulder is sore, my stomach muscle is sore, but the dude abides. The dude abides.

They say former NFL running back Herschel Walker never lifted weights; he just did pushups and situps and ran. If my calculations are correct, given a decent O-line I should be running for 1300+ yards next year. I'm also not bad catching the rock out of the backfield. I'll need to work on my pass blocking or else come out on 3rd down but I've got all winter to work on it. The big trick will be convincing the DuPage Eagles that I'm 12 years old.

Stream of consciousness, ended.
Bringing the pain and bringing the noise,
Thunder John

(Aside to Scott Carlson: Haberdashery is in a state of flux, and so right now I have no comment)

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