Saturday, March 27, 2010

Creative Juices - not flowing

March 26, 2010
24,875 pushups completed
975,125 pushups to go
1,326 ahead of schedule

Took yesterday completely off. Did 2x pace today (550) to catch up. Am watching this week's "The Office" on DVR and I don't feel like getting creative, but it had been too long since I'd updated. So here you go. Slogging my way towards one million.

Thunder John

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Doldrums

March 13, 2010
21,100 pushups completed
978,900 pushups to go
1,385 ahead of schedule

Well the last two weeks has been tough. I have had to take a few days off. It started not too long ago. My shoulders have been tightening up. I've cut out all sets of more than 25 pushups, and I am no longer doing 50 when I first wake up. But still, at times the shoulders become extremely tight, almost cramped. I must start a stretching routine or incorporate more rest.

Not much more to say tonight... it'd been two weeks since my last update so I felt obligated to put something here. But the creative juices just aren't flowing.

Peace Out,
Thunder John